Originally we completed the publication of two books by Master Pai.
Both books can be read in no particular order and are the direct writings by Master Pai. In Its Way we condensed five smaller books into one and did check and correct spelling errors. Notes from Wellspring is a collections of 200 or so smaller writings by him copied exactly as they were. The exception here is that we eliminated people’s names so you may notice some blank spaces in a few areas.
Both books demonstrate Master Pai’s brilliance and depth of his spiritual growth. Neither book contains phrases like… you have to believe/ have faith, no one knows or can’t explain, or any hint of you can’t understand this. However, they are full of wonderful easy to understand information that we proudly publish to celebrate him and his lifelong path to help followers of Its Way experience Enlightenment.
Enlightenment/Kensho is the purpose and reason for Zen Buddhism.
For those that have read It’s Way and Notes from Wellspring, we are happy to be offering three books of Class Talks from
1987 to 1988.
Class Talks
Volume 1 (1987)
Class Talks
Volume II (1988) Book 2
Class Talks
Volume 2 (1988) Book 1